BodyFX Cellulite
in Toronto

Reduce Fat and
Eliminate Cellulite
Without Surgery

  At Toronto Facial Plastic Surgery, we offer non-surgical body contouring treatments that will make you feel more confident. Dr. Andres Gantous is double-board certified and he’s performed thousands of procedures during his 25+ year tenure as a facial plastic surgeon. Dr. Gantous at Toronto Facial Plastic Surgery is proud to offer this innovative life-changing procedure.

Cellulite is one of the most common and frustrating body issues that people deal with on a daily basis. Excess cellulite can cause wrinkles and folds in the skin that prematurely age your appearance and can even lead to serious body image issues. This is an especially prevalent issue for young women in their 20s and middle-aged women.

While exercise and maintaining a healthy diet are certainly important, they’re not always enough to keep the persistent cellulite and fat cells at bay. Sometimes, a little extra help is needed and that’s where BodyFX non-invasive cellulite treatment comes in.

What is BodyFX
Cellulite Treatment?

BodyFX is an innovative, non-invasive body contouring and fat-reducing treatment that helps get rid of stubborn cellulite throughout problem areas on the body. Through the use of heat, gentle pulses and a light suction sensation, this treatment actively melts away body fat internally for immediate noticeable results. Combined with a routine exercise and diet regimen, this non-invasive fat treatment can help shed cellulite and keep it off in the long-term.

How Does it Work?

BodyFX uses a sophisticated combination of radio-frequency energy and vacuum suctioning to melt away fat cells. Mini-pulses of radio-frequency and heat are administered using a mechanical applicator that Dr. Gantous carefully maneuvers over the desired areas.

Types Of Body Contouring
Treatments Offered By


    BodyFX sculpts a tighter and more toned appearance. It’s most commonly used on the upper thighs, stomach, arms, and anywhere else where excess fat cells and cellulite accumulate.


    BodyFX is similar to getting a deep tissue massage. It actively stimulates fat cells to tone and tighten target areas of the body, diminishing the appearance of cellulite.


    Post-treatment, skin in the affected area is noticeably softer, smoother and tighter, yielding a younger-looking and slimmer result that can make you feel great! With each session, you’ll increasingly notice the difference in the appearance of your skin.

Benefits of BodyFX

  • Targets and eliminates fat cells and cellulite at their source, below the skin
  • Completely non-invasive
  • Quick lunchtime procedure
  • No downtime involved
  • 15-20 minutes
  • Multiple parts of the body can be treated during one session


The great thing about this type of non-invasive body contouring cellulite treatment is that unlike conventional liposuction, no recovery time is required. Depending on the amount of work to be done, the treatment is relatively quick and effective with no downtime. Regular activities such as exercising, stretching, and other forms of movement can be resumed immediately following the procedure.

Patients may notice slight redness and a warm sensation in the treated area, which should subside after a few hours. However no other side effects should occur during or following treatment.

The longevity of the results depends on lifestyle and frequency of the treatment itself. As long as you work hard to maintain the results by engaging in a well-rounded exercise routine and eating a healthy diet, then you should be able to keep the weight off in the long term. Some patients may require multiple routine treatments, about once a week or as often as advised by Dr. Gantous, to help maintain longer lasting results.

BodyFX should be used as an aid for weight loss and not considered a permanent, standalone solution. Reverting back to poor eating habits and lack of exercise will result in weight gain.

Choose Toronto Facial Plastic Surgery

for BodyFX Cellulite Treatment

  Dr. Andres Gantous is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon with well over 25+ years of experience working in the field. He’s attended and served as the keynote speaker at numerous facial plastic surgery conferences and events around the globe. Therefore, he’s a veteran in the art of facial and body sculpting. Countless patients worldwide have traveled to Toronto to receive treatment at Toronto Facial Plastic Surgery, all with excellent results and complete satisfaction.

Dr. Gantous will take the time to answer all of your questions and address your concerns prior to your procedure. Contact us today to book your appointment!