Neck Lift Surgery Takes Care of Excess Fat, Drooping Skin, and Loose Muscles

Having a swan-like and graceful neck is often considered a sign of great beauty in many cultures. But what do we do when our neck looks less like a swan’s and more like a turkey wattle? If you’re experiencing this issue, a neck lift can help.

Common Complaints People Have About Their Necks

Aging manifests in different ways, including losing the tautness of the skin, gaining excess fat, and losing muscle strength. In the chin and neck area, this is especially obvious – the skin starts to sag visibly in a way that no makeup can conceal. A turkey wattle, where the skin hangs down, can be a particularly embarrassing effect. Excess fat and drooping jowls can also give the appearance of a double chin.

Aging is often not the only culprit behind these unappealing creases and bands. Weight gain, stress, heredity, and sun exposure work against the body, causing the neck to sag. As a result, people often look far older than they actually are. No matter how much effort they take to beautify their faces, their neck betrays them. This causes frustration and takes away their confidence.

The Neck Lift

The roles of a smooth jawline and a shapely neck in improving the looks of a person cannot be over-emphasized, and not everyone is lucky enough to have them. In earlier times, we were forced to make do with what we had. But today, there is a solution: the neck lift.

Through the surgical removal of excess skin and fat deposits from the neck and tightening of the neck muscles, a neck lift can help almost anyone have the neck that they desire.

The Procedure

The first step to a successful neck lift surgery is a consultation with Dr. Gantous. Dr. Gantous will decide on the details of the surgery based on several factors, such as your aesthetic goals, health conditions, medical history, skin type, and bone structure. You’ll also be able to look at before-and-after photos.

A neck lift is performed under local anesthesia and sedation. These measures make the patient more comfortable throughout the surgery and prevent any pain. Small incisions are then made behind the ears or under the chin (or sometimes both).

Dr. Gantous uses these incisions to restructure and tighten the neck muscles, a technique known as platysmaplasty. To get rid of excess fat, liposuction is performed. In a technique called cervicoplasty, the patient’s excess drooping skin is trimmed away. Finally, the incisions are closed using sutures, staples, or tissue glue.

The final step is a successful recovery. Carefully following the doctor’s instructions will make this process smooth and relatively comfortable. During your recovery process, there will be a degree of temporary post-surgical bruising and swelling. Cold compresses can help you deal with these issues.

Find Out More – Contact Our Office!

Your dream of a beautiful neck can soon be a reality. Contact our office to schedule a consultation, where you’ll learn more about the neck lift surgery and what it can do for you. Dr. Andres Gantous, a well-respected facial plastic surgery specialist, is your ideal choice for neck rejuvenation and more.

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