Plastic surgery can be a life-changing endeavor that can revitalize a person’s appearance. However, not everyone looking for an effective anti-aging solution has the resources or the time for a surgical procedure. Thankfully, there is an entire market of minimally invasive procedures that are proven to yield dramatic results. One of the more popular options is the injectable known as Restylane.
Restylane is a soft-tissue dermal filler comprised of a substance called hyaluronic acid, which is a substance found naturally in the skin. It fills in wrinkles and lines while moisturizing and lubricating the skin. This results in smoother, younger-looking skin at an affordable price with zero downtime.
The nasolabial folds are among the more popular regions treated for Restylane. However, virtually any area of the face can be improved with this injectable treatment.
To learn more about Restylane, contact the Toronto office of facial plastic surgeon Dr. Andres Gantous. From there, you can set up an appointment for a private consultation.